Monday, November 8, 2010

R.I.P. Riley

My dog, Riley, passed away last week. He was twelve and a half, and we had had him since just before my 12th birthday in 6th grade. He had been ailing for a few months, but when my dad took him to the vet on Tuesday, he was much sicker than we thought. My whole family is having trouble adjusting...we know he's gone, but I still expect to see him around the house. He had a great life, "the life of Riley," we used to say, and I think everyone who has ever met him had a story about a time when he stole food either off their plates or somehow got up on the dining room table when we stupidly left the room unattended.

I stayed at home last week and Monday night, and it's weird to not have him around, cocking his head at us, trying to understand what we're saying, or barking for treats at exactly 9pm, or lying in the hallway opening his eyes to look at us whenever someone passes by. He leaves a big hole in our lives that will be difficult to fill. I love you, Riley.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, I LOVE that picture of him. With the eyes closed and the coffee, it's a total "don't talk to me in the morning" look.

    I love how you say he would get up on the dining room table when you left the room unattended... Now with a normal dog, you'd have to leave for a few minutes, so they really thought they were alone and could sneak food without getting yelled at. I think all Riley needed was half a second unattended and he'd have his face in a pile of cookies.

    I miss him. And you are welcome to come visit my puppy and give her a hug if that helps. So far she hasn't stolen food, but she likes to bite toes and ears.
