Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy (Almost) Thanksgiving!

I've always loved Thanksgiving, and I think every year but three that I can remember, we've had Thanksgiving dinner at my house in Vienna. The exceptions are the year my grandparents (dad's parents) took us to the Homestead resort in West Virginia for a joint Thanksgiving/Dad's birthday celebration, the year my family tried going out for Thanksgiving dinner, and the year I studied abroad in France.

My memories of the holiday consist of sleeping in, waking up in time to see the last bit of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, lounging in pajamas for a bit before getting dressed and helping with last-minute preparations. In recent years, we've also had mulled wine prior to the meal, which I love. The spices and warmth are a perfect winter alcoholic beverage, and a great way to kick off the day.

For us, Thanksgiving has always been about being with family. It's a holiday of thanks, eating, and family time, and little else. We don't do any of the crazy 4am shopping events on Friday, and while we sometimes go to Black Friday, generally we take it easy, stay home, and continue eating and drinking. The time off from work, lack of obligations, and being at home makes it a really nice break right before the rest of the "Holiday Season."

This year is a bit different - in addition to this being the first Thanksgiving in 12 years without Riley, there are a few other changes to our guest list. Rather than having out of town family, my sister and I are each having a friend over, and Harry is having his boyfriend over. One of my mom's best friends from her childhood, my "Aunt" Renee, and my aunt's friend and his boyfriend are coming this year, as well. It'll be a fun family and friends food fest!

Why yes, yes I am excited.

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